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Protect Yourself Now From the Baby Boomer CrisisViews: 238
Mar 15, 2007 7:03 pm Protect Yourself Now From the Baby Boomer Crisis
me4you Protect Yourself Now From the Baby Boomer Crisis
Here in a nutshell is what is creating that crisis:

Starting this year, millions of Baby Boomers will start to retire and collect Social Security. At the same time, the ratio of workers to retirees collecting Social Security and Medicare, will plummet, from 5 to 1 today, to 3 to 1 by 2030.

The result: Both federal and state governments are going to be hard-pressed to pay rising entitlement bills mandated by law, and cover other government expenses.

The financial effects of the Baby Boomer Crisis — which will steadily mount over the next 10 years — could well be severe:

Millions of homes will be sold, and millions more downsized.
The base of workers who are paying taxes will contract.
Baby Boomers, who had been buying stocks and bonds, will start selling them causing prices to fall.
Most importantly, both federal and state governments will face billions in mandatory entitlement costs, which will somehow have to be covered by a shrinking base of workers.
There is nothing you or I can do to avert the Baby Boomer crisis or even delay it. Indeed, it could well be the worst financial crisis that America has faced since the Great Depression.

However, what we can do is to be smart investors and put our money in assets that will benefit from the crisis rather that sink into oblivion because of it.

Precisely how millions of retiring Baby Boomers are about to effect America’s economy and your investments — and mostly importantly, what you can do NOW to protect yourself — is the subject of our new report:

Bernanke Warns “Fiscal Crisis” Ahead:
10 Urgent Steps To Take Now To Protect Yourself
In this important new Financial Intelligence Report, you will learn:

Why falling deficits will do little to avert the Baby Boomer Crisis, and indeed are just the “calm before the storm.”
Shocking figures on how mandatory spending on Social Security and Medicare will consume more and more of the federal budget in the years ahead, leaving little for defense, roads, education, and all of the other functions of government.
How falling fertility is making the Baby Boomer Crisis even worse than expected.
Why Europe faces the same problems as the US — and how European governments are still in denial.
Why tripling of federal debt held by the public is virtually certain.
Why many Baby Boomer crisis “solutions” now discussed by Congress will actually make things worse.
Effects of the Baby Boomer crisis on the purchasing power of the dollar — effects which have already begun to be felt throughout the world.
Why the Boomer crisis will create enormous pressure to increase interest rates.
How the Boomer crisis will affect ordinary American families. (You may be shocked by what you learn.)
Confirmation from an unlikely source: What Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin, says about the Baby Boomer crisis.
The top 7 Baby Boom Stocks: How they will benefit from 78 million retiring Baby Boomers, and how they could protect YOUR wealth.
In addition to our US stock picks, in our new “Fiscal Crisis” Financial Intelligence Report you’ll learn all about another class of investments that won’t be affected by the crisis, and hence provide you with an excellent way to simultaneously diversify your investments and protect your assets.


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